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Reaching Rangdum: The Getaway to Zanskar - The Zanskar Odyssey

Day 3 of the trip

This blog is in continuation of our Day 1 (Exploring Leh) and Day 2 (Leh to Kargil) of our Zanskar trip.

The foggy himalayas - a view from Imambara mosque in Trespone (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue by Fairytale Studios)
The foggy himalayas - a view from Imambara mosque in Trespone (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)

After a long journey from Leh to Kargil and the pleasant surprise at Mulbekh monastery, we slept peacefully on day 2 and had planned to start our day 3 at 4:30 in the morning. We were going to travel from Kargil to Rangdum. Though the distance is just about 130 kilometres, the roads are close to non-existent and with a team of all time energetic photographers; it was difficult to reach Rangdum sooner than 11-12 hours.

Imambara, Trespone Village - Kargil

As we started from Kargil, our first place of visit on the way was Imambara - a beautiful mosque in the Trespone village, oddly 20 kilometres away from Kargil. The mosque is located on a hilltop and reflects a quaint mix of Islamic and Tibetan elements in its construction style and location. It was so cold that we sighted water vapor coming out of mouth as we breathed. As the mosque was closed, we quickly moved. It was amazing to see some sun rays cutting through the might of Himalayas. Our next stop was at a village called Sankoo where shops had opened giving us an opportunity to have breakfast as well as some early morning street action.

The sunrays start lighting up the mountain tops while the fog covers Trespone village below  (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
The sunrays start lighting up the mountain tops while the fog covers Trespone village below (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
The sunrays cutting through the mighty himalayas (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
The sunrays cutting through the mighty Himalayas (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Imambara mosque in Trespone village near Kargil (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Imambara mosque in Trespone village near Kargil (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Early morning street photography in Sankoo village near Kargil (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Early morning street photography in Sankoo village near Kargil (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Our drivers walking
Entrance to Suru Valley, Ladakh

Sighting Nun-Kun peaks in Panikhar, Ladakh:

Next we drove another 45 kilometres to Panikhar which is a huge green expanse of Suru Valley. The beauty of this area was amplified by 2 beautiful snow-capped peaks emerging out of Himalayas ahead of us. We realized these were the Nun-Kun mountain ranges towering high and building a majestic skyline. The twin peaks of Nun and Kun, around 23,000 feet high (Around 6000 feet short of Mt. Everest), are the highest in the Zanskar range in Ladakh and are separated by a snowy plateau of about 4 kilometre in length. A green patch of grass besides the road, the Suru river passing calmly, the cold piercing our jackets, and the white twins ahead of us, commanded our undivided attention. We had to take a group photo here.

As the twin giants emerge behind a village, Nun-Kun (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
As the twin giants emerge behind a village, Nun-Kun (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Panikhar - A wide expanse of grass besides Suru river in front of Nun-Kun (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Panikhar - A wide expanse of grass besides Suru river in front of Nun-Kun (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
The highest mountains in the region - Nun-Kun. I wonder who might live in the red colored house at the bottom (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
The highest mountains in the region - Nun-Kun. I wonder who might live in the red colored house at the bottom (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Enjoying the sight, the wind and the chill at Panikhar
Enjoying the sight, the wind and the chill at Panikhar

After much reluctance to leave such an amazing place, we moved on. We kept stopping briefly at number of villages on our way which gave us some photographic opportunities to capture the village houses as well as some cute kids on their way to school. Since there would be one school for various nearby villages, we could see really young kids walking few miles everyday to reach their school, some posed for us, some were scared of us.

A Village near Panikhar with the twin peaks of Nun-Kun (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A Village near Panikhar with the twin peaks of Nun-Kun (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Children walking towards School near Panikhar (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Children walking towards School near Panikhar (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A young girl going to her school near Panikhar (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A young girl going to her school near Panikhar (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Kids posing for a photograph while going to school (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Kids posing for a photograph while going to school (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Shy girls on their way to school near Panikhar
Shy girls on their way to school near Panikhar

The Parkachik Glacier, Ladakh:

Driving 15 more kilometres accompanied by the Suru river, we reached the hill slopes of Parkachik-La. Parkachik Glacier is a majestic mass of ice moving slowly down the Nun-Kun slopes. This ice mass falls finally into the Suru River, providing a magnificent view of the huge ice-fall. After Panikhar, the road became an unmetalled dirt track; such that we were leisurely driving at a pace averaging about 15-20 km/ hr. All along the way from Kargil, the Suru River kept us company. The roadside was adorned by fall colored grass and shrubs. This added a unique dimension to the scene. Slowly the greenery started getting sparse and all life that was left were patches of grass valleys here and there along the sides of the river. We took a break near another snow clad mountain, a point where we saw the first stupa on the way with some Tibetan prayer flags. The point marked the end of Islamic area of Kargil and beginning of Buddhist area of Zanskar.

Parkachik Glacier drenched in dirt with Nun/Kun in the back (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Parkachik Glacier drenched in dirt with Nun/Kun in the back (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A mosque in a village across Suru river viewed from the road near Parkachik Glacier(The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A mosque in a village across Suru river viewed from the road near Parkachik Glacier(The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)

Another glacier partly melted, partly dirtied by soil curving across Suru river (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Another glacier partly melted, partly dirtied by soil curving across Suru river (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
The point where Islamic area of Kargil ends and Buddhist area of Zanskar begins (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
The point where Islamic area of Kargil ends and Buddhist area of Zanskar begins (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)

We next stopped someplace on the way with a lot of horses grazing besides the river cutting through the snow-capped mountains. Lots of food around, pure water to drink, views that people pay thousands to see, no one except a few enthusiastic photographers to disturb them and not a thing in the world to care about. What a life these horses might have! We also saw some sheep and not to forget the cute little marmots. Marmots are large squirrels found only around mountainous areas. All they do is sunbath lazily on rocks and live under the ground. We found many marmots sunbathing and giving a loud whistle on seeing us which is a danger call to fellow marmots.

Horses besides Suru river on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Horses besides Suru river on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A beautiful horse grazing besides Suru river on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A beautiful horse grazing besides Suru river on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Flock of Sheep seen on our way towards Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Flock of Sheep seen on our way towards Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Horses lazing around in the sun besides Suru river on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Horses lazing around in the sun besides Suru river on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Marmuts are easy to spot but difficult to capture as they run into their underground holes (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Marmuts are easy to spot but difficult to capture as they run into their underground holes (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)

As we moved on we came across some beautiful lakes with sparkling fresh pristine waters. The landscape was stunning that we almost wanted to stay there for rest of our lives. There were very few villages on the way and they too had a handful of houses. We wondered how people might live here, in the middle of nowhere befriending tyrannical mountains and bitter climate. The roads kept worsening as the unmetalled dirt track we were on since Parkachik gave way to barely visible trail. Tiredness was now giving way to aches everywhere. We were soon on a flatland full of stones where vehicles could create their own paths and streams of water could be found anywhere. We could see few mountains at distance with a strange pattern on it, as if nature created wavy lines on rocks by brushing its fingers on them. We saw a small hill at the bottom of the textured mountains with a monastery on top. Rangdum was finally in sight.

The last stretch of unmetalled road on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
The last stretch of unmetalled road on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Crystal clear sparkling water in one of the many lakes we came across on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Crystal clear sparkling water in one of the many lakes we came across on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
One of the very few villages we came across on the way to Rangdum. We could not spot any human though (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
One of the very few villages we came across on the way to Rangdum. We could not spot any human though (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A small village on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A small village on the way to Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Flatlands full of stones where the road is hardly visible (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Flatlands full of stones where the road is hardly visible (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A trail created by vehicles going towards the textured mountains. One can spot a small hill on the right which houses the Rangdum monastery (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A trail created by vehicles going towards the textured mountains. One can spot a small hill on the right which houses the Rangdum monastery (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)

We reached Rangdum late in the afternoon and charged ourselves with one of the best Dal-Chawal servings at the only restaurant located in the vast plains of the area of Rangdum. The poor road condition has preserved the virgin beauty of this place as not many tourists care or rather dare to visit Rangdum. We reached our place of stay for the night which was a lovely campsite located amidst the barren mountains on all the sides. Some of us were still very energetic after a long day travel to visit Rangdum monastery nearby while others were dead tired after an extremely bumpy ride.

In the night, we were served a sumptuous dinner which was to our surprise very delicious and fulfilling. This charged us up to try out some night photography. Since remote places such as this hardly have any artificial lights, it calls for some high exposure shots. The sky was spoiled by the moon as it became difficult to capture what we desired but nonetheless we kept trying to get some good shots of the enormous mountains and an alien landscape. Soon everyone was asleep except us and all lights were out except the moon. It felt bizarre as if standing on a different planet thousands of miles away from home in an almost hostile environment with a severe headache. It suddenly hit us how lucky we are to have visited this place, to be here and witness a different face of nature, to experience how infinitesimally minuscule we are in this vast universe and yet how much there is to do in our lives. Thoughts of wonder, admiration, fascination and probably confusion took us to bed.

Stars shining as a vehicles zooms past our camps in Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Stars shining as a vehicles zooms past our camps in Rangdum (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Waters of random streams reflecting moon light as buddhist prayer flags whirl in strong winds (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Waters of random streams reflecting moon light as buddhist prayer flags whirl in strong winds (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A small house on top of the hill in Rangdum under a sky full of stars (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
A small house on top of the hill in Rangdum under a sky full of stars (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Moon was enough to light up the entire landscape once all the ligths in the camps were out (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Moon was enough to light up the entire landscape once all the ligths in the camps were out (The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Thoughts came pouring in as the vastness of this universe and masculinity of our existence dawned on me below the Buddhist prayer flags(The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)
Thoughts came pouring in as the vastness of this universe and masculinity of our existence dawned on me below the Buddhist prayer flags(The Zanskar Odyssey Travelogue)

A day full of adventurous journey which introduced us to newer and fascinating landscapes came to end under a sky full of stars. We were so taken aback by the amazing things the day showed us that Kargil and Leh now seemed a distant past though we were there just yesterday.

Stay tuned to discover our journey to the highest point of our trip, the second largest glacier in Himalayas, meeting some awesome people and seeing some stunning places as we move on to Padum, the capital of Zanskar on the Day 4 of our trip.

Read all our blogs of the series The Zanskar Odyssey by clicking on the links below:


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